Guided Meditation for the Aquarius Moon Cycle 2022- astrological moon journaling

Welcome, dear friends, to this astrological moon journaling guided meditation, for the Aquarius moon cycle 2022.

Using Universal Time, the dates are February 1, 2022, to March 2, 2022.

In our journaling meditation for this moon cycle, we will use imagery prompts from the life cycle of a flower for the astrological degree at each phase. Open your compassionate heart toward the highest and best for this moon cycle.
Please use an ongoing grounding exercise that works for your individual needs through this guided meditation, feel free to pause the recording to do your own journaling.

Gather your journal, pen, or pencil to write your emergent intuitive journaling sentences during this session.

Gather your natal astrological chart if you are working with it today – and any added resources for house keywords- to identify the degree of each moon phase in your natal chart houses, providing you with personalized prompts for your journaling.

To help us with grounding before we begin, let’s take this next moment to do some slow deep breathing, using your own rhythm.


The moon’s gradually changing reflective light provides a guiding template for personal and collective nurturance and comfort. Connect with the moon right now – perhaps you may know where it is in your sky at this moment. Visualize a shimmering thread that goes the full distance between you and the moon.

This gravitational thread is tied with the ocean’s tides, our own cycles of blood, and all cycles of life and regeneration here on our planet.

The ancient repeating pattern of light and darkness of the moon’s phases calls to us, inviting us again today- for self-reflection from our inner knowledge – and – supporting us together to experience a state of intuitive listening.

Let’s now begin our Moon journaling together.

New Moon Phase: Emerging in Aquarius

February 1, 2022– 05:46 Universal Time at 12°♒19’

Check your natal chart for the house placement of this New Moon and take a moment to write at least one keyword that represents your house placement. This will be the noun in your sentence – what focus you are emerging with for this new cycle.

What is emerging for you from the darkness at this dark moon phase?

In the darkness underground, the germination of the seed is in completion, and the tiny sprout begins to unfurl toward the warmth and light of the sun.
Which natal planets are near this degree of Aquarius in your chart?

What is entering my awareness?
This is a contemplative phase, where we can set our intentions for the whole cycle ahead.
Some keywords which are adjectives that will define your house keyword for Aquarius are: humanitarian, collective, innovative, progressive, eccentric, detached, electric, friendly, generous, gregarious, unpredictable, aloof

For our general meditation, we can contemplate: “I emerge with humanitarian innovation.”

Crescent Moon Phase: Promise and Challenge in Aries

February 4 – 16:25 Universal time at 00♈49’

Check your natal chart for the house placement of this Crescent moon phase and take a moment to write at least one keyword that represents your house placement.

This will be the noun in your sentence, what your promise or challenge is for this moon phase:

At the Crescent moon in Aries: what is the promise or challenge?
The tiny sprout becomes a seedling that needs nurturance.
We reach out toward a promise of change, although it may be challenging.
What do I need to overcome to move forward?
What am I resisting?
This is a preparatory phase.
Some keywords which adjectives that can define your house keyword for Aries are: assertive, courageous, independent, passionate, athletic, enthusiastic, active, aggressive, initiating, focused, forward, direct                       

For our general meditation, we can consider: “I challenge myself with the promise of courage and independence.”

First Quarter Phase: Take Action in Taurus

February 8 – 13:50 Universal Time at 19♉46.

Check your natal chart for the house placement of this First Quarter moon phase and take a moment to write at least one keyword that represents your house placement.

This will be the noun in your sentence, your “take action” is for this moon phase:

At the First-quarter moon phase in Taurus, what action shall I take?
The plant develops roots, stems, and leaves, and photosynthesis strengthens.
What are the steps I need to take right now? What will move me forward in my intentions?
This is the action phase, to expand our experience into the world.
Some keywords which are adjectives that can define your house keyword for Taurus are: resourceful, consistent, practical, comfortable, physical, tangible, and valuable.

For our general meditation, we can consider: “I take action that is tangible and valuable.”

Gibbous Moon Phase: Growth and Building in Cancer

February 12 – 17:33 Universal Time at 08°♋58’

Check your natal chart for the house placement of this Gibbous moon phase and take a moment to write at least one keyword that represents your house placement.

This will be the noun in your sentence that represents your “growth and building” is for this moon phase.

During this Gibbous moon phase in Cancer, what structures will I manifest?
Buds appear on the branches of the plant and grow.
How do I manifest growth? What needs to be adjusted?
This is a maintenance phase, for tempered growth and supportive adjustments.
Some keywords which are adjectives that can define your house keyword for Cancer are: nurturing, family-oriented, watery, emotional, protective, psychic, domestic, sustaining, intuitive, sensitive, supportive, attached/connected.

For our general meditation, we can consider: “I grow and build nurturance and protection.”

Full Moon: Reflection and Communion in Leo

February 16 – 16:56 Universal Time at 27♌59’

Check your natal chart for the house placement of this Full Moon phase and take a moment to write at least one keyword that represents your house placement.

This will be the noun in your sentence that represents your reflection and communication for this Full Moon phase.

During this Full Moon in the sign of Leo, how do I reflect and communicate with others?
Blooming flowers appear and enjoy turning their faces to reflect and enjoy the warmth of the sun.
How am I seeing and communicating my process?
How do I reflect my experience within myself and in my outer world?
This is a reflective phase, to be thankful and grateful, offering compassion for ourselves and others.
Some keywords which are adjectives that can define your house keyword for Leo are: self-confident, dignified, generous, playful, dramatic, courageous, caring, radiant romantic, loving, self-centered/focused, strong-hearted, brave.

For our general meditation, we can consider: “I reflect and communicate self-confidence and caring.”

Disseminating Moon Phase: Sharing in Libra

February 20 at 09:50 Universal Time at 16♌43’

Check your natal chart for the house placement of this Disseminating phase and take a moment to write at least one keyword that represents your house placement.

This will be the noun in your sentence that represents your sharing for this Disseminating phase.

At this Disseminating Moon phase in Libra, how do I share with others?
The fruit of the plant is shared in the community; it is the time of the first harvest.
How can I now share my experiences and knowledge with kindness and care?
How can I help others through my learnings and experiences?

Some keywords which are adjectives that can define your house keyword for Libra are: cooperative, fair, considerate, artistic, tasteful, diplomatic, tactful, impartial, refined, balanced, deliberate, soft-spoken, judgmental.

For our general meditation, we can consider: “I share cooperatively.”

Last Quarter Moon Phase: Change of Perspective in Sagittarius

February 23 at 22:32 Universal Time at 05♐16’

Check your natal chart for the house placement of this Last Quarter phase and take a moment to write at least one keyword that represents your house placement.

This will be the noun in your sentence that represents your change of perspective for this Last Quarter phase.

During this Last Quarter moon phase in Sagittarius, what changes and reorienting of my perspective do I need to make?
The plant’s life energy shifts and composting begins, to foster the next cycle. It is the last harvest. What changes do I need to make? What perspectives need reorientation?

Some keywords which are adjectives that can define your house keyword for Sagittarius are: expansive, philosophical, truth-seeking, ethical, idealistic, optimistic, inspiring, wise, truth-seeking, motivational, truth-speaking, honest.

For our general meditation, we can consider: “I change my philosophical perspective.”

Balsamic Moon Phase: Release and Planning in Capricorn

February 27 – at 08:05 Universal Time at 23♑42’

Check your natal chart for the house placement of this Balsamic phase and take a moment to write at least one keyword that represents your house placement.

This will be the noun in your sentence that represents your release and planning for this Balsamic phase.

During this Balsamic moon phase in Capricorn, what am I gifting, releasing, and planning for the next cycle?
A Sacred gift, saved from this past cycle, the seed is planted and released to develop the next cycle; germination begins again in the darkness underground.
What do I wish to release? What plans do I move forward with for the next cycle? What is my “sacred gift”, my “give-away”?
This is a sacred and contemplative phase as we move toward the next new moon.
Some keywords which are adjectives that can define your house keyword for Capricorn are: authoritative, disciplined, realistic, responsible, practical, goal-oriented, materialistic, successful, ambitious, professional, manifesting   

For our general meditation, we can consider: “I release and plan responsibly.”

Closing our journaling meditation

As we close our meditation today, dear friends, take a few minutes to gently integrate and confirm your intentions for this Aquarius moon cycle.

May the words we have written today support and sustain us and bring sacred nurturance and joy.

I look forward to meditating with you at the next moon cycle for the sign of Pisces, which begins March 2, 2022, at 17:34 at Universal Time at 12♓06’.

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