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Taurus 2021 Astrological Moon Journaling Guided Meditation

Taurus 2021 Astrological Moon Journaling Guided Meditation – Green Mountain Intuitive Arts 2021©

This recording is also available for free listening on Sound Cloud and Insight Timer meditation app.

Taurus Moon Cycle 2021

Welcome, dear friends, to this guided meditation, for the Taurus Moon Cycle 2021, intuitive moon journaling.Using Universal Time, the dates are May 11 through June 10, 2021.

We will journal together in a meditative approach, open to our intuition and create initial journaling sentences to align with the moon’s phases. We open our compassionate hearts toward the highest and best for this moon cycle.

A brief note about weaving intuition into your daily life… sometimes staying constantly in tune with intuition can feel overwhelming. Please use an ongoing grounding exercise that works for your individual needs.

This guided journaling meditation is not meant as a substitute for professional mental health or spiritual counseling.

Gather your journal, pen or pencil to write your emergent intuitive journaling sentences during this session.

Gather your natal astrological chart if you are working with it today to identify the moon’s phases in your natal houses.

To help us with grounding before we begin, let’s take this next moment to do some slow deep breathing, using your own rhythm.

We return once again – to the moon’s reflective pattern of light and darkness. It is a guiding template for global, community, and self-nurturance. This sacred cycle nurtures and regulates the ocean’s tides, our cycles of blood, and all cycles of life and regeneration. The ancient repeating pattern of light and darkness of the moon’s phases calls to us, inviting us again today: for self-reflection from our inner knowledge – and – supporting us together to experience a state of intuitive listening.

In our meditation today, we follow the moon’s cycle with the imagery of a flower, from germination to flower to seed, and align with the recurring and regenerative cycle of nature.

Using your Astrological Natal Chart

If you are using your own natal chart, identify house placement of moon’s degree at each phase. Choose keywords for that House; these are nouns, to further complete your sentence.

Basic keywords for the houses are:

First House: my self/my image

Second House: my resources/my income

Third House: my communications/my thoughts

Fourth House: my home/my foundations

Fifth House: my creativity/my joy

Sixth House: my health/my daily habits

Seventh House: my relationships/my commitments

Eighth House: my shared resources/ my intimacies

Ninth House: my beliefs/my wisdom

Tenth House: my career/ my soul’s calling

Eleventh House: my community/my tribe

Twelfth House: my spirituality/my oneness with the universe

Let’s now begin our intuitive Moon journaling together.

New Moon In Taurus

What is emerging At the new moon in TAURUS? In the darkness underground, germination of the seed is in completion, and the tiny sprout begins to unfurl toward the warmth and light of the sun. What is emerging, what am I open to for the new cycle? What is entering my awareness? This is a contemplative phase, where we can set our intentions for the whole cycle ahead. The radiant and compassionate sign of Leo, the Sun, and the 5th House energies are associated with every New Moon Phase. We emerge with heart-centered and creative self-expression.

Using universal time, this new moon is on May 11, 2021 at 18:59.

At the NEW MOON phase, the moon and sun are at the same degree, which is 21 degrees Taurus, 17 minutes.

Some of the journaling keywords you can consider for TAURUS are:

productive, sensual, reliable, patient, deliberate, consistent, artistic.

An example journal entry may be: “I emerge with productive and artistic heart centered and creative self-expression.

The Crescent Moon in Cancer

What is The Promise and Challenge of the Crescent moon in Cancer? The tiny sprout becomes a seedling that needs nurturance. We reach out toward a promise of change, although it may be challenging. What do I need to overcome to move forward? What am I resisting? This is a preparatory phase.

The sensitive, vulnerable, and intuitive sign of Cancer, The Moon, and the 4th House are associated with every Crescent Moon Phase. We carefully reach out toward helpful supports, to receive nurturance.

Using universal time, this CRESCENT moon is on May 15, 2021, at 22:03.

The degree of the CRESCENT moon phase is 10 degrees Cancer, 16 minutes The moon 45 degrees ahead of the sun. The sun degree is now 25 Taurus 16 minutes.

Some of the journaling keywords for Cancer are: Emotional, sensitive, dependent, protective, intuitive, nurturing, sustaining, empathic.

An example may be: “I promise and challenge myself to reach out for emotional and protective guidance and nurturance.”

First Quarter moon in Leo

What action shall I take during First-quarter moon phase in Leo?

The plant develops roots, stems and leaves, and photosynthesis strengthens. What are the steps I need to take right now? What will move me forward in my intentions? This is the action phase, to expand our experience into the world. The exploratory sign of Sagittarius, the planet Jupiter, and the 9th House are associated with every FIRST QUARTER phase. We expand and explore our options to experience the world more fully.

Using universal time, this FIRST QUARTER phase is on May 19, 2021 at 19:12

The degree of the FIRST QUARTER phase is 20degrees of Leo, 01 Minute

The moon is 90 degrees ahead of the sun. The sun degree is now 29 minutes Taurus 01 minute.

Some of the journaling keywords for Leo are: Creative, radiant, courageous, dramatic, generous, playful, romantic.

An example may be: “I take action to courageously expand and explore my options to experience the world more fully.”

GIBBOUS Moon in Libra

What structures will I manifest during this Gibbous moon phase in LIBRA. Buds appear on the branches of the plant and grow. How do I manifest growth? What needs to be adjusted?

This is a maintenance phase, for tempered growth and supportive adjustments. The manifesting and realistic sign of Capricorn, the planet Saturn, and the 10th house are associated with every GIBBOUS MOON PHASE.  We take stock of our progress and make patient, informed, realistic decisions.

Using universal time, this GIBBOUS phase is on May 23, 2021 at 6:29.

The degree of the GIBBOUS phase is 17 degrees of Libra, 21 Minutes. It is135 degrees ahead of the sun. The sun degree is now moved into Gemini, at 2 degrees and 21 minutes.

Some of the journaling keywords for LIBRA are: cooperative, collaborative, agreeable, sharing, considerate, charming, refined, artistic.

An example may be: “I grow and manifest through cooperative and collaborative informed, realistic decisions.”

FULL Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

At this full moon, which is a Total Lunar Eclipse, we have the opportunity to honor any closings, culminations or turning points that we are experiencing. During the eclipse, the earth is between the sun and moon, blocking the sun’s light from reflecting on the surface of the moon. What Reflection and fulfillment am I communicating during this Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Blooming flowers appear and enjoy turning their faces to reflect and enjoy the warmth of the sun. How am I seeing and communicating my process? How do I reflect my experience within myself and in my outer world? This is a reflective phase, to be thankful and grateful, offering compassion for ourselves and others. The communicative sign of Gemini, and the discerning sign of Virgo, planet Mercury, and both the 3rd and 6th houses are associated with every FULL MOON phase and Total Lunar Eclipse. We reflect upon our own experiences in communication with others.

Using universal time, this FULL MOON PHASE is on May 26, 2021 at 11:13.

Degree of the FULL MOON/Total Lunar Eclipse is 5 degrees of Sagittarius, 25 minutes. It is 180 degrees ahead of the sun. The sun’s degree is 5 degrees Gemini 25 minutes.

Some of the journaling keywords for Sagittarius are: Open-minded, joyful, idealistic, optimistic, truthful, inspired, moral, religious, hopeful, humorous.

An example that incorporates the Lunar Eclipse energy may be: “I reflect my experiences and communicate with optimistic joy and honor the culmination of my studies.”

DISSEMINATING Moon in Capricorn

How do I share with others at this Disseminating Moon phase in Capricorn. The fruit of the plant is shared in the community; it is the time of the first harvest. How can I now share my experiences and knowledge with kindness and care? How can I help others through my learnings and experiences? The romantic and loving signs of Taurus and Libra, planet Venus, and both the 2nd and 8th Houses are associated with every DISSEMINATING MOON phase. We share our values with our community.

Using universal time, the DISSEMINATING PHASE  is on May 29, 2021, at 17:07.

At the DISSEMINATING PHASE, the moon is at 23 degrees of Capricorn, 32 minutes, 225 degrees ahead of the sun. The degree of the sun is now 8 degrees Gemini, 32 minutes.

Some of the journaling keywords for Capricorn are: responsible, guarded, ambitious, realistic, successful, structured, opportunistic, mature, manifesting

An example may be:“I responsibly share my values of success and maturity with my community.”

LAST QUARTER Moon in Pisces

What change and reorienting of my perspective do I need to make during this Last Quarter moon phase in Pisces. The plant’s life energy shifts, and composting begins, to foster the next cycle. It is the last harvest. What changes do I need to make? What perspectives need reorientation? This phase is for reorienting my perspectives. The open-minded sign of Aquarius, the planet Uranus, and the 11th house are the symbols of this phase. We shift our perspective based on new information or reasoning.

Using universal time, this LAST QUARTER PHASE is on June 2nd, 2021 at 7:24.

At the LAST QUARTER phase, the moon is at11 degrees of Pisces, 59 minutes, 270 degrees ahead of the sun. The sun’s degree is now 11 degrees of Gemini, 59 minutes.

Some of the journaling keywords for Pisces are:empathic, humble, vulnerable, imaginative, visionary, mystical, giving, spiritual

An example may be: “I change my perspective based on my new visionary experience and spiritual awareness.”

BALSAMIC moon in Taurus

What am I gifting, releasing, and planning for the next cycle during this Balsamic moon phase in TAURUS?As we began the moon cycle in Taurus, we have come full circle to Taurus once again at the close of the cycle. A Sacred gift, created in and saved from this past cycle, the seed is planted and released to develop the next cycle; germination begins again in the darkness underground. What do I wish to release? What plans do I move forward with for the next cycle? What is my “sacred gift”, my “give-away”? This is a sacred and contemplative phase as we move toward the next new moon.

The transformational sign of Scorpio, the planets Mars and Pluto, and the 8th House are symbols of the Balsamic Moon Phase. Through our gifting and ability to transform, we are repeatedly renewed.

Using universal time, this BALSAMIC is on JUNE 6, 2021 at 7:25.

At the BALSAMIC phase, the moon is at the very beginning of Taurus,just 49 minutes into the first degree.  It is now 315 degrees ahead of the sun. The degree of the Sun is now 15 Gemini, 49 minutes.

Some of the journaling keywords for Taurus are: productive, sensual, reliable, patient,deliberate, consistent, artistic.

An example may be: “I honor my sacred gifts through which I invite transformation and renewal, for myself and my community.”


As we close our meditation today, dear friends, take a few minutes gently integrate and confirm our intentions for this Taurus moon cycle.

(allow time for 5 breaths)

May the words we have written today support and sustain us

and bring sacred nurturance and joy.

I look forward to meditating with you at the next moon cycle which begins with a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Gemini, on June 10, 2021, at 10:52 Universal Time.

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