August 15
Moon Semi-Square Sun 08°♋13′ 23°♌13′ 14:47 UTC
I contemplate and review what I experienced for the last three weeks with nurturing acceptance of my arrogance.
August 16
With her protective and nurturing heart, the Moon in ♋converses from the furthest point of physical distancing – a 180 – with none other than Logic, The Law, Death, and lastly – Time itself. While the moon cradles her tides in careful rhythm, my perception of time is shaky, enormously distorted and perhaps unsafe.
- Pallas 13°♑36′ at 0:35 UTC
- Jupiter 18°♑35′ at 09:32 UTC
- Pluto 23°♑00′ at 17:23 UTC
- Saturn 26°♑45′ at 23:59 UTC
August 17
Chiron conjuncts Black Moon 08°♈53′ at 04:52 UTC
I accept that from the waist up I am human and that alone makes me pick a fight for no reason. I have no reason. I am passionately unreasonable.
Sun conjuncts Mercury 25°♌09′ at 15:07 UTC
Always close by but rarely within reach. Tell me of your heart’s desires.
NEW MOON Moon Conjunct Sun Aug 19 2020 26°♌35′ at 02:41 UTC
Even though I do have a compassionate heart toward others, it’s still all about me.
Mercury into Virgo 00°♍00′ at 01:29 UTC
I’ll tell you exactly what I know to be true.