Astrology, Tarot, Archery, Storytelling
Please use the menu to explore my various offerings, such as Moon Journaling Circles, Moon Journal 2025, Astrology, Tarot, Storytelling, and seasonal Archery offerings through the “Work With Me” menu option. You may also link to my Bookshelf to purchase from my curated book lists for Astrology, Tarot, and other topics – or seek out your own Independent Bookseller to order them from. Also, see links for my astrological meditations on Insight Timer and link to my ETSY shop.
Green Mountain Intuitive Arts is a registered LLC in the state of Vermont, Woman-Owned and Operated by Mary Anna Abuzahra, nee Mary Anna Chabot. LGBTQIA+ Ally and Family Friendly. Earth Aligned, Trauma-Informed, Intersectional Feminism with Cultural Humility – on Western Abenaki land on a registered Monarch Butterfly Way Station habitat.